Cryogenic Liquid Storage TankLIQUID-OXYGEN-TANK

Air Separation Plant,CO2 Recovery plant,Cryogenic liquid tank(LO2,LN2,LAr,LNG,LCO2), Semi-trailer Tank,liquid filling and transfer pump, Vaporizer,gas station,ISO Tank Container, and etc .

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Cryogenic Liquid Oxygen Argon Nitrogen Tank

  • Product Introduction: With rapid scientific and technological development, the material-store ad technology by use of low temperature storage tanks under normal temperature gets mature day by day. In China, more and more normal-pressure low temperature storage tanks tending to large-scale type a……
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Detailed introduction

Product Introduction:

With rapid scientific and technological development, the material-store ad technology by use of low temperature storage tanks under normal temperature gets mature day by day. In China, more and more normal-pressure low temperature storage tanks tending to large-scale type are constructed. Compared with other storage methods, the normal pressure storage tank has more advantages; for an example, it is safer due to its low storage pressure if compared with vacuum tank and spherical tank. Low temperature storage tank built in large size occupies a vary small area, thus reducing storage cost. It is simple in structure and easy in construction, thus reducing construction cost. The common storage medium, such as Liquefied natural gas, LNG (-162℃),liquic oxygen(-183℃), liquid nitrogen(-196℃)liquidargon(-186C), liquid etha ne (-89C), and ethylene(-104C).etc, can be stored.

Product Parameters:

Model Working Medium Volume(M3) Weight Size(mm) Working Pressure
CFL-5/0.8 LO2/LAR/LN2 5 3412 Φ2000*5130 0.8MPa
CFL-10/0.8 10 5378 Φ2100*7170
CFL-15/0.8 15 6415 Φ2500*6912
CFL-20/0.8 20 8673 Φ3000*6100
CFL-30/0.8 30 12899 Φ2900*8870
CFL-50/0.8 50 18960 Φ3100*12058
CFL-100/0.8 100 34480 Φ3600*15947
CFL-150/0.8 150 53500 Φ3600*23000
CFL-200/0.8 200 65500 Φ3924*26000
CFL-5/1.6 LO2/LAR/LN2 5 3945 Φ2000*5130 1.6MPa
CFL-10/1.6 10 6787 Φ2000*7895
CFL-15/1.6 15 8628 Φ2400*7552
CFL-20/1.6 20 10744 Φ2400*9371
CFL-25/1.6 25 13500 Φ2700*8980
CFL-30/1.6 30 14640 Φ2700*10310
CFL-40/1.6 40 19884 Φ3100*9985
CFL-50/1.6 50 23370 Φ3100*12058
CFL-100/1.6 100 44050 Φ3400*17930



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